Thursday, July 23, 2009

Would the Ritz by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet?

From the elegance of Audrey Hepburn to the sordidness of arms dealers, the Ritz in Paris has made quite a name for itself over the years. Since its opening in 1898, it is also one of the few Paris landmarks that has remained largely unvisited by Parisians and tourists alike--no doubt making it all the more enticing to those who can afford it. 
Of course, no matter what you're able or willing to pay (11 euros for a glass of juice or 300 times that much for a modest suite), the Ritz is more than happy to offer you a taste of its name--not that that makes it any less intimidating to push your way though its turning doors past chic veiled women laden with even chic-er carrier bags. 
But walking out into the city again with echoes of the French staff addressing you in hushed, polite--dare I say helpful?--tones, it's hard not to feel like that that was one taste of Paris that was deliciously worth it.

Peter O'Toole and Audrey Hepburn as Simon Dermott and Nicole Bonnet. [Online image] 1966.