So don't expect any niceties from the check-out lady at Monoprix as she yawns and watches you swipe your American Express with one hand and stuff your soy patties and rice crackers into bags with the other. If she tosses an au revoir your way, consider yourself lucky. But pas de soucis: you'll still have plenty of time to chew the fat on your walk home.
Off to pick up the dry cleaning? Your local pressing owner will not only greet you with a warm bonsoir; she'll probably rattle off the articles your husband dropped off over the weekend and dive into a heart-to-heart on family planning.
Never mind that between your groceries and Monsieur's suits, you need ten minutes to punch in your building code--you're still glowing from your bout of neighborly banter. And to think you get to top it off later on with a dégustation of tea and vegan goodies at your Yoga studio. Oh, comme j'aime mon Paris !
Audrey Tautou as Amélie Poulain. [Online image] 2001.